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The control centre
for askiaeverywhere
askiafield will help you manage all of your fieldwork projects easily and efficiently. It contains the following solutions: askiavoice for CATI, askiaweb for CAWI, askiaface for CAPI & mobile and PlatformOne for panel & community management.
More surveys need to be completed from everywhere, at anytime, 24/7, all over the world in hundreds of languages. CATI agents are now working from home. Mobile panellists fill in surveys at points of purchase. Respondents may want to start a survey on their phone and finish it on their laptop.
To help you stay in control of all this, we've created a reliable & scalable platform for collecting data across a wide range of modes and a control centre which allows you to monitor all survey tasks in a single environment...
Welcome to AskiaField!
AskiaVoice features
Deploy surveys anywhere, anyhow. -
Monitor all aspects of fieldwork. -
Manage your fieldwork anytime, anywhere. -
Call types
Many dialling modes are available. -
Allow your clients to check on fieldwork. -
Leverage our API to extend features.
Run surveys from anywhere you want.
AskiaVoice enables you to easily deploy in-house or remote agents and supervisors, including the option for automatic dialling with CTArchitect.
Monitor all aspects of fieldwork.
Supervisors have complete visibility & control over sample and quotas (no matter how complex the rules). They can easily review progress & carry out performance checks on agents. You can also assign sample files, link to external databases and run a range of reports.

Call types
Access a wide variety of dialling modes.
Calls can be in- or out-bound, or a mixture of the two. Call traffic can be monitored to enable different surveys to be carried out simultaneously and monitored by as many supervisors as needed.